Ohio Kicking Camp & College Exposure Event

December 28th 2024

9 am – 3 pm 

YSU Indoor, Youngstown, Ohio

*enrollment is limited to 50. Last year’s event sold out in early Decemeber.

YSU indoor facility ohio kicking camp

December 28th 2024 Ohio Kicking Camp will take place at the University of Youngstown indoor facility.

  • Ohio kicking camp is open to athletes who are between ages of 12 and 18. Majority of kickers who attend are between 14 and 16 years old. Skill levels range between beginners and experienced kickers with several years of kicking camp experience.  
  • This is a kicking skills development and evaluation event for specialists who are looking to get a head start on competition for the next football season. We will spend majority of the camp on field goals and kickoffs. We will cover punting technique, go through punting drills and off-season preparation. 
  • College Prospect Evaluation: High school specialists will have an opportunity to get evaluated for college referrals. At every kicking camp, kickers go through a standardized evaluation session. Statistics and evaluations of top performing kickers are used for college referrals.
  • High school seniors will learn how to kick field goals off the ground, and get final/ last chance evaluation for college referrals. “Late bloomer” kickers get overlooked because most colleges have their lists of high school prospects finalized prior to the start of kicker’s senior season. If you got pretty good toward the end of your high school career, we need to know how good you are and if you are looking to kick in college.
  • At every kicking camp, our top priority is to teach kickers and punters how to train and improve while kicking on their own. There are no kicking coaches on middle school, high school, or college football teams. When your high school coach gives you couple footballs and tells you to “go practice”, you need to know… How to kick? How much to kick? How often to kick? What to tell your snapper and holder? How to make adjustments for different conditions? Etc.
  • Athletes who are punters only should not attend this event. All spring and summer camps are open for pure punters.


  • How pros kick and train
  • What exercises and drills will take your skills to a higher level
  • How to prepare for a successful season from January until the last game
  • What you need to do to get seen by college coaches
  • What parents need to do to help with recruiting process
  • Equipment secrets of the pros
  • And much more…


  • Individual analysis and breakdown
  • Teaching of skills of kicking and punting
  • Teaching of game scenario kicks
  • Competitions
  • Individual college potential evaluation

Ohio Kicking Camp Cost: $290

$50 refundable deposit is due at sign up. Remaining balance is due on the day of the event.

*This camp is not open for athletes who are punters only. It is open for kickers and kicker/punter combo athletes.

matt trickett kent state kicker

Head Coach
Filip Filipovic, NFL veteran, professional kicking coach

Assistant Coaches

  • Garrison Smith – McNeese State, Freshman All-American
  • Zoltan Mesko – Patriots, Steelers, Benglas, Univ. of Michigan
  • Will Leyland – South Dakota Kicker, perfect through 10 games in 2023 season
  • Josh Brebant – Northern Illinois University. Certified Strength Coach. TKC Alum since 2011

Coach to Camper Ratio is always 1:7 or better.

**Read about our outstanding staff on the STAFF PAGE.


Start at 9 AM. Ends at 3 PM.

8:45 AM check in

9:15 AM fundamentals/instruction

11:00 PM evaluation FGs

11:45 PM 30 min break for lunch

12:15 PM kickoff instruction

1:00 PM kickoff evaluation

1:40 PM punting instruction

2:40 PM camp conclusion awards/wrap up

3:00 PM off the field



Remaining payment is $230. You are welcome to pay it via Paypal, Venmo, or on the day of the event with check or cash.

If paying on the day of the event, please bring exact cash or have a check filled out (made out to The Kicking Coach).

If you are paying with Paypal, send $230 through here – https://paypal.me/TheKickingCoach?locale.x=en_US

If you are paying with Venmo, send $230 to the username @thekickingcoach. Last four digits of the phone are 5425


1. Two leather footballs. Middle school athletes are welcome to use any football that they have. High school athletes should never kick rubber/composite footballs.
2. Football holder, kickoff block, field goal block.
3. Kicking cleats. Soccer cleats are best for kicking. If you usually kick in your football cleats, bring those.
4. Water
5. Snack/Lunch
6. https://wizardsports.com is a website that has all the kicking supplies that you will need. They have discounted blemished leather footballs, and wizard holders that are way better quality than similar looking ones that you can buy on amazon for $10 less…throw away within a month…and end up buying wizard holder anyway.


$50 deposit is due now. Remaining balance is due on the day of the event. Deposit is refundable for any reason up until two weeks prior to the event.

Athletes will receive a reminder email 14 days before the event with additional details – what to bring, what to wear, where to park, etc.

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